

  • Master of software engineering, University of Oslo, 2018 - 2020
  • Bachelor of electronics in microelectronics, University of Oslo, 2015 - 2018


  • Software consultant
    Mangal Consulting
    2023 - Now

    Work on everything from pure frontend projects to larger complex fullstack projects.

  • Software engineer
    2022 - Now

    Worked as a fullstack developer using Ruby and Ruby on Rails for the backend and TypeScript with React and Svelte on the frontend.

  • System consultant
    Knowit Objectnet
    2021 - 2022

    Contributed to large projects as a fullstack developer. I developed and consumed GraphQL APIs, setup infrastructure for automatic deployment to AWS and Google Cloud and utilized AWS Lambda’s functions as a service to quickly create production ready applications that are easy to iterate on.

  • Frontend engineer
    2019 - 2021

    Developed web apps that were included in a health software system that is used in over 72 countries. These apps were implemented in JavaScript and comprehensive automated unit and end-to-end tests were written to ensure high quality stable apps.


  • Languages: Norwegian (fluent), English (fluent), Pashto (fluent), German (independent)
  • Programming languages: JavaScript (advanced), Java (advanced), Ruby (advanced), Go (advanced), Clojure (advanced), Python (familiar), C (familiar), Ocaml (familiar)
  • Frontend frameworks: React (advanced), Vue (advanced), Svelte (advanced), Elm (familiar)
  • Backend frameworks: Ruby on Rails (advanced), Spring (familiar), Phoenix (advanced)
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